Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 63

Nothing for today...ugh. I can't believe it, I didn't take a picture.

So I will share something that Ms. Cindy said tonight at women's prayer..."pray with your God given authority"
I think we often forget this and seem to beg God for the things we desire. Or maybe not beg but ask. We, or atleast I, find myself saying please give me this or change that.
I was reminded by Conner on Sunday of just how we should pray. While we were on the way to a baptism service at the lake it was cloudy and thundering. I told the kids to pray that it wouldn't rain. So Conner turns his seat into an altar and says "thank you God for not letting it rain on us tonight". I said that's right buddy, it's not going to rain because God is in control and we just need to go ahead and thank Him for it.
So this week pray with the authority and thank God for the goodness that He already has planned for you!

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